Ján Havlík: the Power of Desire


  • Vinicius Teixeira The CM Province of Rio De Janeiro Author




Man of Desire, Clandestine, Martyrdom, Ján Havlik


The article chronicles the life and beatification of Ján Havlík, a Slovakian seminarian (1928-1965) whose death was the result of torturous persecution under the communist regime in Czechoslovakia. Born into a modest family, Havlík demonstrated strong moral and religious values from an early age. Despite the regime's severe restrictions on religious freedom, he pursued his missionary vocation, showing resilience and faith. His clandestine theological studies and unwavering opposition to the regime led to his imprisonment and inhumane treatment. Throughout his trials, Havlík remained steadfast in his faith, exemplifying Vincentian virtues. His martyrdom, characterized by his commitment to faith and the Church, has been recognized as a testament to his sanctity and dedication to Christ. The article celebrates his life and the enduring power of his desire to serve God and humanity.


de Paul, Vincent. 1985-2014. Correspondence, Conference, Documents (CCD) edited by Pierre Coste,, translated into English by: Marie Poole, D.C. (Vol. 1-13b), James King, C.M. (Vol. 1-2), Francis Germovnik, C.M. (Vol. 1-8, 13a-13b [Latin]), Esther Cavanagh, D.C. (Vol. 2), Ann Mary Dougherty, D.C. (Vol. 12); Evelyne Franc, D.C. (Vol. 13a-13b), Thomas Davitt, C.M. (Vol. 13a-13b [Latin]), Glennon E. Figge, C.M. (Vol. 13a-13b [Latin]), John G. Nugent, C.M. (Vol. 13a-13b [Latin]), Andrew Spellman, C.M. (Vol. 13a-13b [Latin]); edited: Marie Poole, D.C. (Vol. 2-13b), Julia Denton, D.C. [editor-in-chief] (Vol. 3-10, 13a-13b), Paule Freeburg, D.C. (Vol. 3), Mirian Hamway, D.C. (Vol. 3), Elinor Hartman, D.C. (Vol. 4-10, 13a-13b), Ellen Van Zandt, D.C. (Vol. 9-13b), Ann Mary Dougherty, D.C. (Vol. 11-12); New City Press, Brooklyn and Hyde Park.

Havlík, Antonín. Ve jménu Kristově trpěl: Životopis mučedníka Jána Havlíka. [Title in Czech: Suffered in the Name of Christ: Biography of Martyr Ján Havlík].

Kreider, Alan. 1999. The Change of Conversion and the Origin of Christendom. Orbis Books.

Magaldi, Raffaele A. 2024. The Seminarian Who Found His Calling In Communist Captivity: Blessed Ján Havlík. https://rafko74.medium.com/the-seminarian-who-found-his-calling-in-communist-captivity-blessed-j%C3%A1n-havl%C3%ADk-dcc011c872b3

Pavlish, P. Serhiy, C.M. 2024. Postulador General Ján Havlík – Mártir Por Que Fue Un Heroico Testigo De La Fe in https://cmglobal.org/es/files/2024/02/NUNTIA_ENERO_SP.pdf (Accessed 15 July 2024).

Srholec, Anton. 1996. Light from the Depths of Jáchymov Concentration Camps Publicado e impreso por Michal Vaško, Ružová st. 22, Presov, Eslovaquia. (Traducción de Mária Horvathová) Este libro habla de la persecución a la Iglesia de Eslovaquia y Bohemia durante el régimen socialista. Este libro también cuenta la vida de Ján Havlik, un estudiante de la C.M. que estuvo en prisión durante 11 años. Un año después de su liberación, cuando apenas tenía 37 años, murió de una enfermedad contraída en la prisión. Este libro está dedicado a la memoria de este “confesor de la fe”.

Slaninka, Augustín, C.M. 2023. Ján Havlík Novým Blahoslaveným Bratří Vincentinů. https://www.bihk.cz/aktuality/zpravy/jan-havlik-novym-blahoslavenym-bratri-vincentinu-14121

[Historical Documents and Archives:]

• The National Archives of Slovakia, records on the persecution of religious figures during the communist regime.

• Vatican Archives, particularly documents related to the beatification and canonization processes.

• Records from the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) on Ján Havlík's life and beatification.

[Testimonies and Personal Accounts:]

• Testimonies from Ján Havlík's family members, particularly his mother and sister.

• Accounts from fellow seminarians and prisoners who shared time with Ján Havlík during his imprisonment.

• Statements from Vatican officials and members of the Congregation of the Mission involved in the beatification process.

[Film and Media:]

• Documentaries and films on the life of Ján Havlík, available in Slovakian historical archives and online platforms.

• Interviews and biographical videos about Ján Havlík, accessible on platforms like YouTube and educational websites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVWlmkfddv4


[Church Publications and News:]

• Vatican News articles on the beatification of Ján Havlík.

• Publications by the Congregation of the Mission detailing the life and martyrdom of Ján Havlík.

• Local Slovakian church bulletins and newsletters commemorating Ján Havlík's contributions and beatification.

[These sources provide a comprehensive overview of Ján Havlík's life, his commitment to his faith, his struggles under the communist regime, and his eventual beatification:]

https://cmglobal.org/en/2024/02/20/rite-of-beatification-of-the-venerable-servant-of-god-jan-havlik/ (Accessed 15 July 2024). This website offers comprehensive details on the beatification process of Ján Havlík and other Vincentian martyrs. It covers his life, contributions, and the recognition by the Church of his martyrdom.

https://www.janhavlik.sk/en/home-english/ and https://www.janhavlik.sk/en/profile-of-jan-havlik/ (Accessed 15 July 2024). This website provides a chronological timeline of Ján Havlík's life, including his early years, education, vocational journey, and the persecution he faced under the communist regime.

https://www.vaticannews.va/sk/vyhladavanie.html?q=jan%20havl%C3%ADk&in=all&sorting=latest (Accessed 10 July 2024). This Vatican website provides information on Ján Havlik.

[Vatican]. 2024. Budúci blahoslavený mučeník Ján Havlík – misionár vo väzení (The future blessed martyr Jan Havlík - missionary in prison). Pápež František vo štvrtok 14. decembra pri stretnutí s prefektom Dikastéria pre kauzy svätých kardinálom Marcellom Semerarom schválil dekrét o mučeníctve Božieho služobníka Jána Havlíka CM (Pope Francis approved the decree on the martyrdom of the Servant of God Jan Havlik CM on Thursday, December 14, during a meeting with the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Marcello Semerara). https://www.vaticannews.va/sk/vatikan/news/2023-12/buduci-blahoslaveny-mucenik-jan-havlik-misionar-vo-vazeni.html (Accessed 17 July 2024). This Vatican news informed the approval of Pope Francis to the beatification of Ján Havlik.







How to Cite

Teixeira, V. (2024). Ján Havlík: the Power of Desire. Studia Vincentiana, 2(2), 141-161. https://doi.org/10.35312/171ms697