Vincent de Paul’s Membership in a Secret SocietyThe Company of the Blessed Sacrament


  • Robert Maloney The Eastern Province of the CM Author



Vincent de Paul, Company of the Blessed Sacrament, Secret Society, Company’s Achievements


St. Vincent de Paul, renowned for his emphasis on simplicity and transparency, paradoxically participated in the secretive Company of the Blessed Sacrament. This clandestine society, founded in 1629, comprised notable French Catholics committed to religious and social reform without episcopal oversight. Despite its secrecy, the society's significant influence gradually emerged post-1660. Key documents, such as the Annales by René de Voyer d'Argenson, detailed the group's activities and notable members, including Vincent de Paul. The Company, emphasizing Eucharistic devotion and spiritual growth, also engaged in substantial charitable works. It supported missions, aided war victims, and collaborated with the Vincentian Family. Vincent de Paul, a crucial member, facilitated the society’s initiatives through his extensive network and influence. While the society faced political and ecclesiastical challenges, including opposition from Richelieu and Mazarin, it left a lasting impact on 17th-century French Catholicism through its discrete yet potent contributions to Church reform and social welfare.


Abelly, Louis. 1993. The Life of the Venerable Servant of God Vincent de Paul Founder and First Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission (Translation from French, edited by John Rybolt CM). New York.

Allier, Raoul. 1902. La cabale des dévots, 1627-1666. Toronto.

Bergin, Joseph. 2014. The Politics of Religion in Early Modern France. New Have. Yale.

Bossuet, J. B. 1916. Œuvres Oratoires, Paris.

Coste, Pierre. 1952. The Life and Works of Saint Vincent de Paul, translated by Joseph Leonard, C.M. (Newman Press: Westminster, Maryland, 1952), III, chapter LVIII.

de Paul, Vincent. Correspondence, Conference, Documents (CCD) edited by Pierre Coste,, translated into English by: Helen Marie Law, D.C. (Vol. 1), Marie Poole, D.C. (Vol. 1-13b), James King, C.M. (Vol. 1-2), Francis Germovnik, C.M. (Vol. 1-8, 13a-13b [Latin]), Esther Cavanagh, D.C. (Vol. 2), Ann Mary Dougherty, D.C. (Vol. 12); Evelyne Franc, D.C. (Vol. 13a-13b), Thomas Davitt, C.M. (Vol. 13a-13b [Latin]), Glennon E. Figge, C.M. (Vol. 13a-13b [Latin]), John G. Nugent, C.M. (Vol. 13a-13b [Latin]), Andrew Spellman, C.M. (Vol. 13a-13b [Latin]); edited: Jacqueline Kilar, D.C. (Vol. 1-2), Marie Poole, D.C. (Vol. 2-13b), Julia Denton, D.C. [editor-in-chief] (Vol. 3-10, 13a-13b), Paule Freeburg, D.C. (Vol. 3), Mirian Hamway, D.C. (Vol. 3), Elinor Hartman, D.C. (Vol. 4-10, 13a-13b), Ellen Van Zandt, D.C. (Vol. 9-13b), Ann Mary Dougherty, D.C. (Vol. 11-12); annotated by: John W. Carven, C.M. (Vol. 1-13b); New City Press, Brooklyn and Hyde Park, 1985-2014.

de Voyer d’Argenson, René. 1900. Annales de la Compagnie du Saint-Sacrement. Marseille, typographie & lithographie Saint-Léon, rue des Princes.

Forrestal, Alison. 2017. Vincent De Paul, the Lazarist Mission, and French Catholic Reform. Oxford University Press.

Maynard, Abbè Ulysse. 1886. Saint Vincent de Paul [3rd ed., 4 vols., Paris: Retaux-Bray], Vol. IV.

Román, José-María. 1981. San Vicente de Paúl. I: Biografía. Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos.

Rybolt, John (editor). 2020. Saint Vincent de Paul / Correspondence, Conferences, Documents (English translation) | Correspondence, Conferences, and Documents of St. Vincent de Paul | DePaul University.

Tallon, Alain. La Compagnie du Saint-Sacrement, 1629-1667 (Paris, 1990).

Wesley, John. 1778. An Extract of the Life of Monsieur de Renty, a Late Nobleman of France. London.







How to Cite

Maloney, R. (2024). Vincent de Paul’s Membership in a Secret SocietyThe Company of the Blessed Sacrament. Studia Vincentiana, 2(1), 35-44.