Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)

This edition features a study of Vincentian spirituality, the mission in China, Paul Sou, martyrs of Morosini and Ján Havlík, the Mysticism of St. Elisabeth of the Trinity, and the Vincentian approach to migration.
Studies on the Spirituality of Saint Vincent: A Brief History
Abstract views: 157 PDF downloads: 129 -
A Brief History of the Dutch Vincentians in China, especially the Apostolic Vicariate of Yongpingfu (永平府)
Abstract views: 167 PDF downloads: 74 -
Mr Appiani, Lazariste, Traducteur Officiel du Légat Pontifical, Rend Compte de la Mission Vincentienne en Chine au XVIIème
Abstract views: 81 PDF (French) downloads: 24 -
Paul Sou, C.M.: A Missionary at His Country (A short story of the first Chinese Priest of the Congregation of the Mission)
Abstract views: 112 PDF downloads: 56 -
Giuseppe Morosini, C.M. Executed 1944
Abstract views: 65 PDF downloads: 71 -
Ján Havlík: the Power of Desire
Abstract views: 151 PDF downloads: 192 -
The Mysticism of Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity Deepens the Virtue of Simplicity in Vincentian Spirituality
Abstract views: 164 PDF downloads: 70 -
The Challenge of Migration: Beyond Borders (Vincentian Approach)
Abstract views: 103 PDF downloads: 127