Vincent de Paul and Mercy: Yesterday and Today


  • Robert Maloney The CM Eastern Province, USA Author



Mercy, Vincent de Paul, Mary, Works of Mercy


This study will examine mercy in Vincent’s letters, conferences, and works. It will proceed in three steps.  First, as background for Vincent’s teaching, it will briefly analyze what the Hebrew and Christian scriptures say about mercy.  Second, it will present Vincent’s teaching on that topic, highlighting what he said and did.  Third, it will situate this teaching within the present-day context of the Church and the Vincentian Family. Vincent’s teaching on mercy can be summarized under six headings: 1) Mercy as the distinctive feature of God; 2) God’s mercy toward us; 3) The importance of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy; 4) Mercy and justice; 5) Obstacles to performing the works of mercy; and 6) Mary as Mother of Mercy. Vincent stressed the importance of both the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.  He insisted that the liberation which Jesus proclaimed to the poor was holistic and integral.  Consequently, he sent Daughters of Charity to minister to the poor “spiritually and corporally.


Augustine. 1991. Confessions. edited by H. Chadwicks.

Benedict XVI, Pope. 2008. “Sunday Audience.”

Congar, Yves. 1962. “La Miséricorde. Attribut Souverain de Dieu.” La Vie Spirituelle 106:380–95.

Francis, Pope. 2017. The Name of God Is Mercy . Random House.

Irenaeus. 1997. Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching.

Iverleigh, Austen. 2023. “Why Does Francis Focus on Migration?” Commonwealth, March 7.

John Paul II, Pope. 1980. “Dives in Misericordia.”

John XXIII, Pope. 1962. “Gaudet Mater Ecclesia.”

Moltman, Jürgen. 2001. The Crucified God: The Cross of Christ as the Foundation and Criticism of Christian Theology. SCM Press.

Shakespeare, William. 1598. “Merchant of Venice, Act.4 Scene 1.”

Stein, Edith. 1917. Das Einfühlungsproblem in Seiner Historischen Entwicklung Und in Phänomenologischer Betrachtung . Freiburg.

Udovic, Edward. 2015. Henri de Maupas Du Tour: The Funeral Oration for Vincent de Paul. Chicago: DePaul University Vincentian Studies Institute.

Vincent de Paul. 1985. Correspondence, Conferences, Documents (CCD) English Translation Vol. I-XIV.







How to Cite

Maloney, R. (2024). Vincent de Paul and Mercy: Yesterday and Today. Studia Vincentiana, 1(1), 48-58.