Le Roi Louis XVI Refond la Mission Française de Pékin


  • Bernard Massarini, C.M. The CM Province of France Author




Chine, suppression, Louis XVI, mission française


The suppression of the Jesuits in 1773 by Pope Clement XIV led to the closure of numerous Jesuit institutions and the expulsion of Jesuits worldwide, impacting their influential missions in China. During the 65-year absence of the Jesuits, other Catholic orders, including Franciscans and Dominicans, continued evangelization efforts. The Superior General of the Lazaristes, being requested by the king of France, had quickly chosen three members of the Congrégation de la Mission to go to China: one who had specialized in astronomy and geography: Fr. Raux Jean-Joseph. Supported by French monarchs, particularly Louis XIV and later Louis XVI, French influence remained strong in China’s Catholic missions, with some Jesuits remaining at the Chinese imperial court due to their expertise in sciences, such as astronomy and mathematics. These Jesuit missionaries leveraged their knowledge to foster favorable relations with the Chinese emperors, contributing to diplomatic and cultural exchanges. Following the re-establishment of the Society of Jesus in 1814, the Jesuits returned to China, where they resumed missionary work amid evolving Franco-Chinese relations. France's growing political and commercial interests in China continued to intertwine with its role as a protector of Catholic missions well into the 19th century.


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How to Cite

Massarini, B. (2024). Le Roi Louis XVI Refond la Mission Française de Pékin. Studia Vincentiana, 2(3), 230-242. https://doi.org/10.35312/0tjakb35