Does the Mission ad Gentes still Make Sense?


  • Giuseppe Turati, C.M. The Curia Generalzia of the CM Rome Author



Mission ad Gentes, Vincentian, Charism, Encounter


In "Does the Mission ad Gentes Still Make Sense?", the author affirms the enduring relevance of the Church's mission to all nations. He emphasizes the necessity for the Congregation of the Mission to adapt its missionary approaches in response to contemporary cultural shifts and the guidance of Pope Francis. Turati advocates for a synodal approach—characterized by listening, communion, and participation—to rejuvenate the Congregation's charism. He explores various mission models, including proclamation, encounter, service, fraternity, liberation, and integral ecology, urging a discerning integration of these frameworks to address current global challenges. Turati concludes that revitalizing the Congregation's missionary identity requires embracing diverse mission models and fostering openness to multiculturalism, aligning with the evolving dynamics of the 21st century.


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How to Cite

Turati, G. (2024). Does the Mission ad Gentes still Make Sense?. Studia Vincentiana, 2(3), 201-214.