Memorandum of Antoine Cotta, C.M. (Apostolic Missionary) concerning the Mission Situation in China addressed to Cardinal Serafini, Prefect of the Congregation of Propaganda Fide, 6 February 1917


  • John E. Rybolt, C.M. (Translator and Editor) De Paul University Author



China, Cotta, Lebbe, Chinese clergy


Antoine Cotta entered the Congregation of the Mission in 1891. His memorandum, addressed to Cardinal Serafini in 1917, advocates for the inclusion of Chinese clergy in the episcopate to address the dependency of the Church in China on European missionaries. This memorandum was designed to promote the access of Chinese clergy to the episcopacy, bolstered by reasons drawn from popes, bishops, and others. He believed that the practice at his time opposed such access. He critiques the “spiritual colonialism” within Chinese missions, highlighting a disconnect between papal directives and the practices of foreign-led missions, which often treat Chinese clergy as auxiliaries rather than leaders. Cotta argues that Chinese Christians must develop a self-sufficient Church to thrive, emphasizing that reliance on European resources and leadership hinders the growth and authenticity of Chinese Catholicism. He references various papal documents supporting the formation of an independent native clergy, and urges the Church to empower Chinese priests to take on full ecclesiastical roles. This memorandum is significant for its role in inspiring Pope Pius XI’s decision to ordain the first Chinese bishops in 1926, marking a turning point for the Catholic Church in China.


Ferreux, Octave. 2022.The History of the Congregation of the Mission in China, 1699—1950, trans. Hippolyte Henk De Cuijper, C.M., Appendix 5: Vincent Lebbe, “The Thunder that Sings in the Distance,” p. 621; Hyde Park, New York.

Rybolt, John E. 2015.The Vincentians. A General History of the Congregation of the Mission, 6A: Internationalization and Aggiornamento (1919-1980), Hyde Park, New York, 2015, pp. 53—55.

Soetens, Claude. 1997. L'Église catholique en Chine au XXe siècle, Paris, Beauchesne, 1997.

Soetens, Claude. 1982. “Recueil des Archives Vincent Lebbe. Pour l’église Chinoise: I. La Visite apostolique des missions de Chine 1919-1920” Cahiers de la Revue Theologique de Louvain, n. 5, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1982. Book review by J. Hong.

Young, Ernest P. 2013. Chapter 8: Petitioning Rome, in Ecclesiastical Colony: China’s Catholic Church and the French Religious Protectorate, pp. 171–184. Oxford University Press.







How to Cite

Rybolt, J. (2024). Memorandum of Antoine Cotta, C.M. (Apostolic Missionary) concerning the Mission Situation in China addressed to Cardinal Serafini, Prefect of the Congregation of Propaganda Fide, 6 February 1917. Studia Vincentiana, 2(3), 243-274.