El futuro de la Congregación de la MisiónEn Camino con Vicente de Paúl hacia el V Centenario


  • Guillermo Campuzano De Paul University, Chicago Author




Providencia de Dios, Discipulado Misionero, Carisma-Historia, festival de incertidumbres


The worldly context of today is a place and time wherein what we need to do seems more significant than our capacity and commitment. The future of the Congregation of the Mission has always been in the hands of God’s loving providence. Entering the fifth centenary of the Congregation of the Mission is an opportunity to intuit where the Spirit will take humanity, the Church, the Vincentian Family, and our Congregation. In this space of vital discernment, the Congregation of the Mission and its charism has not reached an end. Our creativity is not exhausted, but we must renew ways of living our charism. Today we must give birth to these ideas. Our confidence is based upon the common knowledge expressed within our constitutions. Our constitutions are interested in the person of Jesus, and the centrality of the Kingdom was the engine of his earthly existence. The Revitalization and future of the Congregation is not an Escape from the “festival of uncertainties” of history. With Jesus, we have to walk through in the certainty of His divine providence.


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Muñoz, Rolando. 2009. Nueva Conciencia Cristiana En Un Mundo Globalizado. LOM Ediciones.

Pope Paul VI. 1975. Evangelii Nuntiandi. Vatican City.

SVP XI. 1973. Escritos y Conferencias de San Vicente de Paul. Edición española. Vol. XI.

Vela, Luiz. 2020. “TIERRA DE MISIÓN (O, DOS Modos de Nuestra POBREZA INTERNA Que Necesitan, Urgentemente, La Evangelización).” In Archivo Personal de Las Conferencias Luis Vela.







How to Cite

Campuzano, G. (2024). El futuro de la Congregación de la MisiónEn Camino con Vicente de Paúl hacia el V Centenario. Studia Vincentiana, 1(1), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.35312/25pvdy55