Creating Missionary Parishes


  • Pat Collins The CM Province of Ireland Author



Missionary, maintenance & mission, mission statement, kerygma, baptism in the Spirit, discipleship formation, parish groups


Recent popes have developed the teaching of Vatican II on evangelization in general and the new evangelization in particular. This article focuses in a specific way on the teaching of Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium on the creation of missionary parishes. Following introductory comments, this article suggests that what the Pope has emphasised three main elements, namely, the need for a mission statement that prioritises the new evangelization; the experience of baptism in the Spirit as a result of attending kerygmatic courses such as Alpha and Life in the Spirit Seminars; and the provision of ongoing faith formation in order to develop groups of intentional disciples who would have both a desire and the ability to evangelize. Because the Congregation of the Mission has many parishes it needs to take account of what Francis has taught in order to be true to its charism.


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John Paul II, Pope. 1979. CAtechesi Tradendae. Vatican.

Mallon, James. 2014. Divine Renovation: Bringing Your Parish from Maintenance to Mission. Toronto: Novalis.







How to Cite

Collins, P. (2024). Creating Missionary Parishes. Studia Vincentiana, 2(1), 1-6.